Performance and Exhibition | December 2022 | Ausstellungshalle am Hawerkamp | Münster

By: fachbetrieb rita grechen and Kollektiv des guten Willens mit: Caner Akdeniz, Susanne Dundler, Urs Humpenöder, Laura Immler, Hannes Köpke, Melissa Minh and Ferdinand Nowitzky

Based on the feature film seascape (Trailer), seascape reaction performance deals with the cinema reception of our present. In a multi-channel video installation, a YouTuber, an actor and a director react to clips from the film in the style of reaction videos. Here, around the audience, they look down from portrait format canvases and comment. The public moves freely and, if they like, chats in the exhibition chat room. Two authors write live on the screens. A musician sets the situation to music and provides a musical response to the verbal reactions to the film images.


Funded by the city of Münster.