Non-accessible installation | July 2020 | festival of Saxonian independent theatre | Parkour: Weiter zeigen! | HELLERAU - European Centre for the Arts | Dresden

By: Laura Immler, Hannes Köpke, Jasmina Rezig, Olivia Rosendorfer, Konstantin Sieghart, Julius Zimmermann

Wilde Tiere unsrer Heimat deals with the revival of the concept of homeland (which has been used a lot in recent years) in Romanticism.

The industrialization of the 19th century indicated all too clearly an overthrow in the social order in which the role of the human being seemed uncertain. So (in fashion, philosophy, art, in everyday life) pasts of rural idylls were conjured that had never existed. People who have been feeling uprooted from the big city, detached from machines or pushed into a corner by emancipating women, reflected on supposedly original forms of expression and seeked security and stability in them.

The starting point for this exhibition is a room that we originally created for the project Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen. This music theater installation took place in 2019 in the entire building of the LOFFT Theater (Leipzig) and connected the song Abendlich schon rauscht der Wald by the Leipzig composer Fanny Hensel with different images between comfort and alienation, between community, brutality and exclusion, between credibility and visible construction, which sensually showed various qualities of the term "homeland".


The project was created in coproduction with HELLERAU - European Center for the Arts.